A Note on the Tracking Time
On 26 Kunye i0153, a delegation of diplomats from the major nations of the world gathered at Ulani capital of Lâsu Ojimaki. There they created and ratified one of the most significant international agreements ever agreed upon in Kir. Known as the 71st Sunrise—named so because it was signed after seventy-one days of deliberation, debate, and compromise, through the counsel of from a host of culture-bearers, philosophers, and thinkers—this sweeping agreement standardized a global currency, created a diplomatic system to negotiate trade deals, assigned a moratorium on slavery and human trafficking, and unified an international court system that would settle disagreements. While not originally thought of as the most impactful agreement by the politicians and ruling elite who had gathered, the 71st Sunrise also standardized time and the tracking of history through the acceptance of an global calendar. Based on the intricate and exacting studies of lunar cycles by astronomers from Salasa, a calendar of months was created and consensus was met on how to track the days, months, years, and eras past, present, and future. The major elements of this agreement are as follows:
The Sunrise Calendar
The History of The World shall be divided into two ERAS:
The Primal Age (dawn of time to 0)
The Imperial Age (0 - end of civilization)
The Year, Day and Month that begins The Imperial Age shall be the coronation of Lord Veru 1st and founding of the Verushan Empire.
A YEAR of time in The World shall be as follows:
1 day = 30 hours
10 days = 1 week
15 days = 1 lunar cycle (for the two moons - Pracha and Sarcha)
2 lunar cycles = 1 month
15 months = 1 year
The List of Months in one Year in The World shall be as follows (in order of occurrence):